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Welcome to the City of Sturgeon Lake

Welcome to the City of Sturgeon Lake. We are a city in Pine County, Minnesota. Interstate 35, County Road 46, and County 61 (Main Street) are three of the main routes in our community. We are a community that enjoys this area's beauty and diversity. Nearby are many lakes, RV Parks, golf courses, trails for walking and biking, quaint local shops, craft breweries, and much more. Check back often for updates on activities, the latest action of the City Council, city news, and other areas of interest.

City Hall

3084 Farm to Market Road ● PO Box 98 ● Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783

Phone:  (218) 372-3391 ●


A Public Hearing will be held before the monthly City Council meeting on


Tuesday, February 11, at 6:00 pm.

The purpose of the Public Hearing is to discuss the:


The Regular City Council Meeting will follow the hearing.

Any person who wishes to speak about these matters is invited to attend the meeting.


Posted:     2/3/2025  


NEW ENHANCED Payment Portal 
now available 

The Wait is Officially Over!!! The NEW Online Payment Portal is now open and ready to take payments. The fees are lower than before, and there are more ways to pay. We are excited to announce that you can now begin to enjoy the comprehensive, user-friendly, and innovative portal.  Take a deeper look into your account information or explore the options to pay your utility bill with your credit or debit card or through your checking or savings bank account. The same high-level security will not change and will remain consistent in our new portal, providing these new online payment options and more engaging features to improve your overall payment experience.


Check out the FAQ page for more information. 




Login to Register, create an account and make a payment. 

Or, if you prefer only to make a payment, select Quick Pay.






The Sturgeon Lake City Council hereby notifies all those interested persons who wish to be considered and are qualified to fill the vacancy that they are accepting letters of interest to fill one vacant City Council seat.  This position will be held until January 2027.  The City of Sturgeon Lake Council Meetings are held monthly at 6:00 pm on the Tuesday closest to the 15th of each month; see the schedule on the city website for exact dates.
To be considered eligible for appointment, the applicant must be:
  • Resident of the City of Sturgeon Lake
  • Must be at least 21 years old
  • Eligible to vote
Letters of interest need to be turned in before noon on Tuesday, February 11, 2025.   
They can be dropped off at the City Hall office found at 3084 Farm to Market Road,
sent via email to, or mailed to:
City of Sturgeon Lake
P.O. Box 98
Sturgeon Lake, MN  55783.
If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to get in touch with the City of Sturgeon Lake City Hall at (218) 372-3391.
Sandra Osterdyk
City of Sturgeon Lake City Clerk/Treasurer

2025 City Council Meeting Schedule

All meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. at Sturgeon Lake City Hall unless otherwise posted.  The public is welcome to attend.   Please check back for regular updates to the calendar, as dates and times may change.

January 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 

Organizational Meeting 

February 2025

Tuesday, February, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting


March 2025

Tuesday, March, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting 

April 2025

Tuesday, April, 2025

Regular City Council Meeting 

May 2025

Tuesday, May, 2025

Regular City Council Meeting


June 2025

Tuesday, June, 2025 

Fire Contract Meeting 

June 2025

Tuesday, January, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting 

July 2025

Tuesday, July, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting

July 2025

Tuesday, July, 2025

Budget Meeting

August 2025

Tuesday, August, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting & Finish Budget Meeting

September 2025

Tuesday, September, 2025 

Special Assessment Hearing & Regular City Council Meeting 

October 2025

Tuesday, December, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting 

November 2025

Tuesday, November, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting 

December 2025

Tuesday, December, 2025 

Regular City Council Meeting 

The first meeting of 2025 will be set at the yearly December meeting per Ordinance 30.


September 27, 2024


Public Input Wanted as Pine County

Updates Hazard Mitigation Plan


Pine County residents, community leaders, business owners, area agencies and organizations now have an opportunity to share how severe weather events impact their property and lives. There is also an opportunity to share their ideas on how to reduce local impacts in the future.


The Pine County Office of Emergency Management is working with U-Spatial at the University of Minnesota Duluth to update the county’s Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP). The plan assesses the natural hazards that pose risk to the county, such as tornadoes, straight-line winds, ice storms, blizzards, wildfires, flooding, and extreme temperatures, and identifies ways to minimize the damage of future events. As the county works to update the plan, it wants to hear from the public.


The Pine County HMP is a multi-jurisdictional plan that covers Pine County, including all cities and townships within the county.  The Pine County HMP also incorporates the concerns and needs of school districts, watershed districts, and other related agencies, organizations, or businesses participating in the planning process. The plan will be updated by a planning team made up of representatives from county departments, local municipalities, and other key stakeholders.  When completed, the plan will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for approval.


“Hazard mitigation planning is a central part of our emergency management program,” said Denise Anderson, Pine County Emergency Management Coordinator.  “Understanding the natural hazards that can cause serious impact to our communities and taking action to reduce or eliminate the impact of future disasters makes us more resilient.  Hazard mitigation helps us to break the cycle of damage and repair caused by things like flooding, ice storms, and severe wind events that can damage property, stress economies, and threaten life safety in our county.”


Examples of hazard mitigation include:


  • Conducting public outreach on severe weather awareness and preparedness

  • Improving stormwater management systems to better handle high-rain events

  • Removing existing buildings from flood or erosion prone hazard areas

  • Increasing defensible space around homes in high-risk wildfire areas

  • Constructing tornado safe rooms in vulnerable areas such as mobile home parks

  • Burying overhead powerlines that may fail due to heavy snow, ice, or windstorms


Some mitigation activities may be eligible for future FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant funding.


Public input is an essential part of the plan update. As part of the planning process, Pine County is seeking feedback from residents and businesses to incorporate into the plan.   Your input will be recorded and incorporated into the planning process:


  • What are the natural hazards you feel pose the greatest risk to your community?  


  • Are there specific populations or assets in your community that you feel are more vulnerable to future storm events? 


  • What concerns do you have, and what sorts of actions do you feel would help to reduce damages of future hazard events in your community or the county as a whole?


Your feedback is wanted.  Comments, concerns, or questions regarding natural disasters and your ideas for mitigation projects should be submitted to Pine County Emergency Management by phone, email, or by posting a comment via a social media posting of this article.


There will be additional opportunities for public feedback throughout the planning process. A draft of the plan will be made available for public review prior to submission of the plan to the State of Minnesota. Future news releases will be shared with the media to notify the public of these opportunities.


The Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) requires counties to update their plan every 5 years to maintain eligibility for FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs.



Denise Anderson

Pine County Emergency Management Coordinator


Pine County Sheriff’s Office

635 Northridge Dr. NW, Ste.100

Pine City, MN 55063


News  Release

Grant funds available to assist Sturgeon Lake homeowners in making repairs to their properties
Licensed & Insured local contractors sought to bid on improvements.


Sturgeon Lake, MN: The City, with assistance from Lakes & Pines Community Action Council, Inc., was awarded grant funds from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) for the Small Cities Development Program (SCDP). These grant funds are to be used to rehabilitate approximately 10 owner-occupied homes (must be of low and moderate-income) in the target area of the City of Sturgeon Lake.

Grant funds are loaned to individual property owners for 10 years, at which time, if the property is still owned and occupied by the original borrower, the funds are forgiven and considered a grant. Eligible improvements can include replacing defective:


•           Heating or electrical systems

•           Roofing

•           Siding,

•           Windows

•           Doors


To qualify, applicants must be current on property taxes and mortgage payments and have proof of current insurance on the property.

Owner-occupied housing rehabilitation: The grant can pay up to 90% or a maximum of $25,000 towards improvements. The remaining 10% of the total project cost is the property owner's responsibility, but no household will be denied on the sole basis that they cannot meet this requirement. In addition, applicants must live in Sturgeon Lake, own the home, and live in it as their primary residence (land must be taxed as a homesteaded property) and meet 80% of the county area median income limit.

Contractors: Only state-licensed and insured contractors will be allowed to perform the improvement work. Local contractors interested in being added to the contractor list that Lakes & Pines distributes to participating property owners should complete the contractor application and return it to Lakes & Pines.

Applications are available. To request an application, contact the Energy-Housing Department at Lakes & Pines CAC, Inc. at 800-832-6082 or 320-679-1800, by email at , by mail at 1700 Maple Avenue East, Mora, MN 55051 or on the web at  (click on Applications).


Women, minorities, Section 3 residents, and businesses are encouraged to participate.

Broadband Line Extension Connection Program

In the 2022 Legislative Session, the Office of Broadband Development (OBD) was directed to create a new program, the Broadband Line Extension Connection Program. The purpose of the program is to award grants for the extension of existing broadband infrastructure to unserved locations. An unserved location is a location that does not have a wired broadband service of at least 25Mbps download and 3 Mbps upload.

How the program will work

People can report to OBD that a wired broadband service is unavailable at their residence or business by entering information on the online application below or by calling 651-259-7610 and requesting a paper application or by talking to someone at OBD who will complete the application on their behalf.

Visit the Broadband Line Extension Grant Program to learn more and to sign up.

2025 Polling Place

The 2025 Polling Place for residents of Sturgeon Lake is at City Hall, 3084 Farm to Market Road. 


Contact the City of Sturgeon Lake:

Thank you!

3084 Farm to Market Rd, Sturgeon Lake, MN 55783 | (218) 372-3391

Hours:     Monday - Thursday:   10 AM - 7 PM              

                Friday - Sunday:         Closed

* Special Appointments available for other dates/time by contacting City Hall.


New Year's Day | Martin Luther King Jr. Day | Presidents Day | Memorial Day| Juneteenth Day | Independence Day | Labor Day | Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day | Veteran's Day |

Thanksgiving Day | Day After Thanksgiving | Christmas Eve | Christmas Day | New Years Eve

© 2021 City of Sturgeon Lake. All rights reserved.

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